A downloadable adventure

Hi guys! This a project created by us as we are very much interested to pursue this path. It is still ongoing hence updates regarding the game will be posted monthly. If u do like the game, pls support us by giving us comments to help us improve further on the game.  If you would like, do support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Jaderists. Updates will be posted on Patreon as well. Thank you! 

we are trying to add choices in the game as to allow people to be more involved in the story. 

About the game:

Have you ever wanted to love like an adventurer? To start fresh and explore the world on your own. During your journey, you encounter different monsters for you to level up. Live how you want. Recruit NPCs to follow you on your jourmey. 

To input your name, press right click to clear the field. 

Do equip your items manually as there is not auto-equip function available.


C.O.B.zip 785 MB

Install instructions

Extract the file and run game. It is currently under the name C.O.B.